Apple recently launched the Vision Pro outside of the United States, and the headset has been making rounds, with demand expected to increase in the next quarter. To promote the arrival of the headset in additional markets, Apple CEO Tim Cook stated that he uses the Vision Pro headset every day, suggesting that it is a part of “all aspects of [his] daily life.”
Apple CEO Tim Cook uses the Vision Pro headset on a daily basis, highlighting the features and the overall experience
Tim Cook is never shy of promoting the products that were launched under his supervision as Apple CEO and the Vision Pro is the company’s latest addition to the lineup. Since its launch, the headset has managed to create massive hype revolving around cloud computing, and we can safely presume that it is one of the main contenders in the industry, competing against the likes of the Meta Quest lineup.
The Vision Pro is designed to cater to all aspects of daily life, which includes gaming, productivity, and entertainment. To be precise, Tim Cook stated that he used the Vision Pro to watch the Ted Lasso season three and other Apple TV+ content on the headset.
And so the ability for me to get in the position that I want to get in – including lying flat and putting the screen on the ceiling – is an incredible kind of experience. And of course, it’s a 100ft screen. I mean, it’s amazing the level of entertainment that it delivers.
The CEO also states that the headset is best for multitasking, as it features the ability to place windows anywhere on the screen or the wearer’s physical space. He also states that it is hard to explain the Vision Pro experience and that potential customers should try to get a demo to learn the full capabilities of the device. The CEO claims that it is very hard to show the 3D experience in a 2D world, which fairly makes sense.
The headset is also very easy to use, as per the CEO, claiming that if you can use an iPhone, then you will be able to use the headset, as the gestures work “the way your mind works.” He also highlighted some of the features of the Vision Pro as emotional, specifically the spatial photos and videos. The headset is an engineering marvel as the company went on to file more than 5,000 patents to make it a reality.
“I’m so proud of the total and the perseverance of the team because this was multiple years in the making.”
You can check out the full interview of Tim Cook with The Sun here for more details. While the Vision Pro is expensive compared to the competition, it is also full of features and advanced technology, which enable a more capable experience than most headsets in the industry. We will share additional details on the headset and its demand in the new markets.