The Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 has been rumored to drop ARM’s CPU designs on multiple occasions, with Qualcomm switching to its custom Oryon or Phoenix cores. The upcoming SoC is said to be mass produced on TSMC’s updated 3nm process, so it will likely tout improved power efficiency compared to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. Those efficiency improvements are what might allow the performance Phoenix cores to run at higher clock speeds, as one tipster states that reaching 4.00GHz is no longer a dream.
Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 high-performance CPU to be paired with an equally faster Adreno 830 GPU, according to earlier rumors
Previous rumors have claimed that the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 will drop efficiency cores, as Qualcomm is apparently following an approach employed by MediaTek for its Dimensity 9300. This change should allow the upcoming chipset to obtain higher multi-core performance, but at the cost of power consumption, though the improved 3nm manufacturing process may help to offset that drawback.
It will also sport a ‘2 + 6’ CPU cluster, but since Digital Chat Station did not mention which cores were tested at 4.00GHz, we will assume they were the high-performance ones. If Qualcomm can maintain these frequencies for the final product, it will be a significant boost compared to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, whose Cortex-X4 tops out at 3.30GHz. The increased frequency of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4’s Phoenix core should also improve its single-threaded performance, with a dual-core solution naturally contributing to multi-threaded workloads.
The tipster has not compared the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 to Apple’s A-series or M-series silicon, but we have reported in the past that Qualcomm is testing out the Adreno 830, and according to earlier tests, the GPU is faster than the M2. These improvements definitely sound enticing, but only if Qualcomm maintains these specifications when the flagship chipset officially launches. For now, we recommend our readers treat this rumor with a pinch of salt, and we will return with more updates.
News Source: Digital Chat Station