The Snapdragon X Elite was announced in late October, and shortly after, Apple countered with its first 3nm chipsets for the Mac lineup, the M3, M3 Pro, and the M3 Max, which also launched in the same month. The San Diego firm has come out with a bold statement now, claiming that its latest SoC is up to 21 percent faster than the M3 in multi-core performance. However, despite supposedly having the edge, a Qualcomm PR manager says that the experience will be different, and that has to do with both chipsets powering different operating systems.
Qualcomm PR manager hints that Windows is inferior to macOS, despite the Snapdragon X Elite being the superior SoC compared to the M3
In an image uploaded by Digital Trends, it is revealed that the Snapdragon X Elite obtains a multi-core score of 15,300, whereas the M3 is trailing behind Qualcomm’s silicon, with a score of 12,154. The test performed was Geekbench 6, but Qualcomm cleverly omitted one important detail from these results; the Snapdragon X Elite’s power limit. Remember that every CPU has a power limit that allows its cores to run at faster clock speeds but at a higher power draw.
With the Snapdragon X Elite, you get two power limits, 23W and 80W, with earlier tests showing that the SoC with the lower power limit can be slower than the M2 in different tests. Though the 80W undoubtedly increases multi-core performance, it is at the expense of excessive heat and a temperature spike. However, despite these advantages, the experience will be different compared to using the M3 on macOS, according to Sascha Segan, who is the senior public relations manager. She hints that macOS is a better operating system than Windows but states that the hardware is good.
“The experience is not going to be the same because they’re running macOS and we’re running Windows, but in terms of hardware, which is the only thing we can control, it’s good hardware.”
Segan has also said that consumers should not waste their funds on buying a new laptop right now and wait for the first wave of Snapdragon-powered notebooks to flood the market. Though we have seen how capable the Snapdragon X Elite is, that is only in benchmarks, where reference laptops were tested, so we have to wait and see how consumer-grade machines perform when they officially launch, so stay tuned.
News Source: Digital Trends