Meta’s AI Tool Finds Itself In Trouble As It Inaccurately Creates Images Of A Mixed-Race Couple

After Google, Meta’s AI image generation has found itself in trouble. The generator has failed to generate accurate images despite being given easy-to-understand prompts. A new report has emerged, and it talks about how Meta’s image generator ended up inaccurately generating an image of an Asian man with a white woman despite the prompts going through multiple tweaks.

After Google, Meta’s AI image generator is also acting the same with image generation

The report talks about how Meta’s AI was consistently unable to create accurate images, and this does make one wonder if the model has some sort of bias towards certain races. The AI image generator tool within Instagram went ahead and generated inaccurate images despite the prompts being pretty simple. The prompts were like Asian man and Caucasian friend or Asian man and white wife, and this instance was not isolated as it happened a number of times.

The Verge also talks about how, out of all the attempts, the Meta AI image generator was able to create just one successful image, and the prompt was. Asian woman with Caucasian husband.”  This was after ten attempts, which means that the nine previous attempts were unsuccessful, as the platform ended up creating inaccurate images. You can have a look at the images below:

This is not the first time we have heard of this happening with AI image generators. If you remember, Google decided to shut down Gemini’s AI image generation tool because it ended up inaccurately creating images, and the issue was similar to the one that we are seeing with Meta’s image generator.

Honestly, this does not come as a surprise. I cannot remember the number of times I told people that using image generators is not really the best way out of the situation. They are inaccurate and can end up putting you in a world of confusion, so it is always better that you proceed with some caution. At the moment, we do know that Meta has not come forward with any explanation as to why the AI image generator acted the way it did, but since the image-generating tool is still in beta, it is likely to make mistakes.

We will update this post whenever Meta comes out with a response regarding its AI-image generator making obvious mistakes. Until then, do let us know how your experience has been with this image generator.

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