Apple’s iPad mini 6 launched in 2021 with a new design featuring slimmer bezels and a bigger display. The changes were well received by the tech community as well as the customers. However, shortly after the release of the new mini iPad, users complained of an issue called ‘jelly scrolling’. Jelly scrolling is a condition where one side of the display refreshes slightly faster than the other, giving users the illusion of a faulty panel. It appears that the company is planning to cater to the jelly scrolling condition of the device with the launch of its forthcoming iPad mini 7.
Apple’s forthcoming iPad mini 7 will feature reduced jelly scrolling using rotated screen assembly
It was recently reported that Apple could launch the new iPad models this week. We are expecting the company to upgrade the iPad Air and iPad mini lineup with the latest internals. The iPad Air could launch with an M2 chip, while the iPad mini 7 could feature Apple’s new A17 Pro or last year’s A16 Bionic chip for enhanced computational and graphical performance. However, one of the biggest changes potentially coming with the iPad mini 7 is the new rotated screen assembly which could reduce the jelly scrolling condition.
It was reported earlier this year that Apple could host another event after the iPhone 15 announcement to debut new Macs and iPad models. However, the M3 Macs and iPad Pro models were pushed until next year. It seems that the company will launch the iPad mini 7 and iPad Air 6 sooner rather than later with upgraded chips. Jelly scrolling is not an entirely new condition but a by-product of using LCD panels. Apple states that the condition is normal for an LCD screen, but the condition is very prominent on the iPad mini 6.
While there is no fix to the condition, the company is working to reduce jelly scrolling via rotated screen assembly, according to Instant Digital. Users have reported the issue when the iPad mini 6 is in a portrait orientation. This means that the refresh rate gap between the two sides of the display is not visible or noticeable in the landscape mode. Henceforth, the company will rotate the screen assembly to fix the condition.
However, if the company is only working to rotate the screen assembly, the condition could persist in landscape mode. It remains to be seen how the company will tackle the condition. Apple is rumored to release iOS 17.1 on October 24, and it could announce the new iPad Air 6 and iPad mini 7 alongside it. Since the company is only upgrading the internals, we suspect that the new iPad Air 6 and iPad mini 7 will be announced via a press release. We will keep you guys updated on the latest, so be sure to stick around.