After Resident Evil Village and Resident Evil 4 Remake were launched on Apple’s App Store, the next AAA title to make its way to the platform shortly is Death Stranding Director’s Cut. Just like the previous two games, the latest one from famous game creator Hideo Kojima will launch for the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max, along with several Macs and iPads that feature the M-series silicon. The game’s launch date is January 30, and those wanting to immerse themselves can purchase the game at a 50 percent discount.
The price of Death Stranding Director’s Cut is $39.99 on Apple’s App Store, but a promotion means you can purchase it for $19.99, making it a pretty sweet deal. However, we recommend getting the game only if you have yet to play it on other platforms. Like Resident Evil Village and Resident Evil 4 Remake, Death Stranding will use Apple’s upscaling technology, MetalFX, to boost framerates.
This addition has been helpful when running Resident Evil Village and Resident Evil 4 on the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max, though we do not believe that players will encounter issues on more powerful hardware. Even on low-end PCs that featured discreet GPUs, Death Stranding could run at playable framerates, hinting at how optimized the game was when it launched. The only requirement you have to fulfill is that you have sufficient storage to install the title.
The details spotted on Apple’s App Store state that you need 69.8GB of free space, meaning that if you intend to play it on the base iPhone 15 Pro with 128GB storage, you must make arrangements to free up space. No DLC has been listed on the App Store, so no hidden charges will be incurred. Death Stranding was initially launched for the PlayStation 5 in 2021 and then made its way to Windows in 2022, so it will be interesting to see how a rather older title will perform on the latest custom chipsets.