Apple upgrades the Apple Watch on an annual scale, offering improvements not only in terms of features but also design changes. In the past decade, the wearable has turned out to be quite helpful for users. The Apple Watch is a very capable device, and there is no denying that it is far ahead of the competition in functionality and, apparently, in terms of durability as well. In a recent turn of events, a user found his Apple Watch in the ocean more than a year after it was lost, all thanks to Apple’s Find My capabilities that work across devices. The wearable has proved quite successful when it comes to durability.
Apple Watch survives under the ocean after it was found more than a year later
We have covered numerous stories of how the Apple Watch survived harsh environments and the latest story of Jared Brick is the one that stands out. Jared lost his Apple Watch in the Caribbean more than a year ago, and he was able to get it back, all thanks to the Find My feature. The surprising part of the situation was that the Apple Watch was still in its perfect working condition, surviving the risk of water damage.
In a video posted on YouTube, Brick said that he went on a trip to the Caribbean back in June of 2022 to celebrate the birthday of his son, where he gifted an Apple Watch to him and also got one for himself. The owner stated that he used to go scuba diving twice a day, and he never took his Apple Watch off during his sessions. It makes sense for the owner to do what he did as the wearable is certified water resistant up to 50 meters. However, one day, he realized after his diving session that his Apple Watch was missing from his wrist.
“I’m wearing it, and poof, it’s gone, slide off my wrist and into the water. I didn’t realize it at the time, so distracted by the true beauty of that place.”
After more than a year, Brick used Apple’s Find My feature to mark the Apple Watch as lost. In December, he received a voicemail from an unknown person in the Caribbean, claiming that he had Brick’s Apple Watch. Surprisingly, the Apple Watch was still in its working condition, and the Find My showed the owner’s number on the screen. He sent the Apple Watch to Brick, who confirmed that it was indeed his watch and was in perfect condition. Brick celebrated the return of his wearable and stated:
“So amazing, so big, thank you to Jonathan in the Caribbean for finding it, contacting me, shipping it back to me, and to Apple for making such amazing technology that works.”
It is amazing that the Apple Watch survived more than a year under the ocean and emerged with all the bells and whistles attached. The Apple Watch has also assisted hundreds of users in diagnosing their health conditions, and the stories keep on piling up.