The Apple Watch Series 9 launched alongside the iPhone 15 lineup in September, and Apple only made slight changes to the wearable. The most prominent addition is the new S9 chip. While the chip is a hefty upgrade over the previous generation, the external design and form factor remained unchanged. According to a new report, Apple is planning to redesign the Apple Watch in 2024, possibly to mark its tenth anniversary.
Apple to redesign the Apple Watch in 2024 with a thinner chassis and new health features
The Apple Watch is a competent companion device to your iPhone, and the company plans to take it up a notch with the 2024 model. In his latest edition of the Power On newsletter, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman states that Apple plans to entirely redesign the Apple Watch in 2024. The analyst coins that next year’s Apple Watch will feature at least one model with a revamped design.
Since Apple just launched the Apple Watch Ultra, we suspect that the company is working to upgrade the standard variant of the Apple Watch. Next year will mark the tenth anniversary of the Apple Watch, and the company could follow in its footsteps for a revamp. Apple launched the completely redesigned iPhone X in 2017, marking the iPhone’s tenth anniversary. Henceforth, the company could have something similar to offer with the Apple Watch in 2024.
While details are scarce, the 2024 Apple Watch redesign could bring a thinner form factor. Furthermore, Apple could also introduce a magnetic mechanism to attach the bands, which would upgrade the current slide-and-lock mechanism. While an external redesign is imminent, the Apple Watch Series 10 or ‘Apple Watch X’ could house new health-related features. Gurman states that next year’s Apple Watch will be able to detect Sleep Apnea and Hypertension, which affects most people.
To make it happen, the company will potentially use blood pressure monitoring through the wrist and algorithms designed to measure hypertension. As for Sleep Apnea, it could be measured through sleep metrics and breathing patterns. While the new health-related features will be more than a welcome addition to the Apple Watch, the redesigned chassis and a new display will remain the highlight of the upgrade.
Apple is also working on its micro-LED displays, which will debut with the Apple Watch Ultra in 2025 or 2026. We can safely presume that Apple will revamp the Apple Watch Ultra in the same time frame. Gurman’s report also highlights that the entire iPhone 16 lineup will feature a new ‘Capture Button’ with specific camera functions.