The Apple Vision Pro launch was said to happen in early 2024, but an exact or estimated timeline was not provided. Now, according to the latest report, Apple wants its first mixed-reality headset to arrive on schedule, which is why it is pressing its supply chain to commence shipments in February of next year.
Apple Vision Pro supply chain is said to be ‘running at full speed’ to achieve shipment goal
Apple’s supply chain may be operating at full capacity, as the latest Bloomberg report states that the technology giant’s head-mounted wearable needs to be ready by January. Assuming the Apple Vision Pro supply chain encounters no production roadblocks, shipments could happen as early as February, with customers getting access to those units that month. Unlike previous Apple product launches, this one will be different, as it is an entirely new category, and according to earlier reports, the stakes are rather high.
Initially, the Apple Vision Pro will be limited to the U.S. market, meaning that sales volume will be significantly less, not to mention that the $3,499 price tag will discourage many interested customers. However, to entice Apple’s user base, certain retail employees were sent memos informing them that they had been shortlisted to undergo training for the Apple Vision Pro. These sessions are said to last for two days, and selected employees will be taught how to fit the mixed-reality headset correctly to provide a positive first impression.
Since all customers have different head measurements, retail employees will also be taught how to approach these individuals, invite them to try on the Apple Vision Pro, and ensure that it is a perfect fit the first time it is mounted to provide them with the best experience possible. Some customers may also require custom Zeiss prescription lenses, so these retail employees have likely been taught how to assemble the Apple Vision Pro with those add-ons.
As for purchasing the actual units, the Apple Vision Pro will be available through an appointment system, and not something that can be ordered from the company’s online store or picked up immediately from a retail outlet. Given the tight supply of the initial shipments, the Cupertino giant most probably wants the entire process to go as smoothly as possible because the correct market response will mean the company can ask its supply chain to ramp up production and, eventually, expand to other regions.
News Source: Bloomberg